Derafu: HTTP - Standard-Compliant HTTP Library with Extended Features
A PSR and RFC compliant HTTP library that provides elegant request/response handling, content negotiation and problem details for PHP applications.
Why Derafu\Http?
🎯 Simple, but not limited, HTTP Handling
Most HTTP libraries either do too much or too little. Derafu\Http provides:
- Extended Request/Response: Smart content type negotiation and safe data access.
- Content Negotiation: Intelligent format detection and response transformation.
- Problem Details: RFC 7807 implementation for structured error handling.
- PSR Compliance: Built on PSR-7 and PSR-15 standards.
- Middleware Architecture: Flexible request/response processing pipeline.
✨ Key Features
- Smart Request Handling: Safe access to query, post, and JSON data.
- Intelligent Responses: Automatic content negotiation and format transformation.
- Structured Errors: Complete RFC 7807 Problem Details implementation.
- Modular Design: Core HTTP functionality with middleware support.
- Type Safety: Use of enums for HTTP status codes and content types.
- Middleware Pipeline: PSR-15 compliant middleware chain for request processing.
Basic Usage
Middleware Configuration
The library uses PSR-15 middlewares for request processing. Configure your middleware stack in the services file, for example services.yaml
Core Middlewares
The library includes four essential middlewares that must be configured in order:
- RequestFactoryMiddleware: Converts PSR-7 requests to Derafu requests.
- RouterMiddleware: Handles URL routing and route matching.
- DispatcherMiddleware: Executes route handlers (controllers, closures or templates).
- ResponseNormalizerMiddleware: Ensures PSR-7 compliant responses.
Custom Middlewares
Create custom middlewares by implementing PSR-15’s MiddlewareInterface
Working with Requests
Creating Responses
Error Handling with Problem Details
Any exception will be treated as “Problem Detail” (RFC 7807). To have control over all fields, exceptions must implement HttpExceptionInterface
Integration with Other Packages
Derafu\Http is designed to work with other Derafu packages:
- derafu/kernel: The core of the application, with dependency injection.
- derafu/renderer: For template rendering, with dependency on derafu/twig.
- derafu/routing: For URL routing, with autodiscovery of templates.
- derafu/translation: For I18n, with a simple translator that supports ICU.
- derafu/markdown: For renderig templates in markdown format.
- derafu/data-processor: For data processing: format, cast, sanitize and validate.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.