Derafu Backbone Architecture

Derafu Backbone provides a structured framework for building modular and maintainable PHP libraries. It follows a hierarchical organization that separates concerns into distinct components, making your code more organized, testable, and extensible.

Derafu Backbone Core Architecture


Definition: A high-level container representing a complete domain or subdomain within your application.

Responsibility: Groups functionally related components that work together to provide domain-specific capabilities.


  • Represents a complete business domain (e.g., Billing, Accounting, Human Resources).
  • Contains multiple components.
  • Provides domain-wide configuration and services.
  • Acts as the primary entry point for domain functionality.

Examples: BillingPackage, AccountingPackage, HumanResourcesPackage


Definition: A functional area or module within a domain package.

Responsibility: Groups workers that handle specific aspects of the domain.


  • Represents a distinct functional area within a domain.
  • Contains multiple workers focused on related tasks.
  • Provides component-specific configuration.
  • Manages cross-cutting concerns within its functional area.

Examples: DocumentComponent, ExchangeComponent, TradingPartiesComponent


Definition: Coordinator of business operations related to a specific aspect of functionality.

Responsibility: Exposes public methods that can be called by clients and coordinates Jobs, Handlers, and Strategies to perform work.


  • Acts as a facade for the underlying implementation.
  • Exposes domain operations through public methods.
  • Coordinates the execution of jobs and handlers.
  • May implement simple operations directly.
  • Delegates complex processing to handlers.

Examples: BuilderWorker, RendererWorker


Definition: An atomic, self-contained unit of work that performs a single operation.

Responsibility: Executes a specific task with clear inputs and outputs.


  • Focused on doing one thing well.
  • Encapsulates a single operation.
  • Has clear, well-defined inputs and outputs.
  • Does not orchestrate other jobs.
  • Reusable across different contexts.
  • Stateless and idempotent when possible.

Examples: NormalizeBoletaAfectaJob, NormalizeFacturaAfectaJob


Definition: Orchestrator of complex processes involving multiple operations.

Responsibility: Coordinates multiple jobs or strategies to complete complex workflows.


  • Orchestrates multiple operations in sequence.
  • Manages workflow and process state.
  • Selects appropriate strategies based on context.
  • Handles errors and transactional boundaries.
  • Implements business process logic.
  • Can use multiple jobs and strategies.

Examples: EmailSenderHandler, SiiSenderHandler


Definition: Specific implementation of an algorithm or approach to solving a problem.

Responsibility: Provides variant implementations for specific operations that can be interchanged.


  • Implements a specific algorithm or approach.
  • Allows for swappable implementations.
  • Used by handlers to provide different behaviors.
  • Focuses on “how” something is done.
  • Follows the Strategy design pattern.
  • Encapsulates specific implementation details.

Examples: JsonParserStrategy, XmlParserStrategy, YamlParserStrategy

Benefits of This Architecture

  1. Separation of Concerns: Each component has a clear, single responsibility.
  2. Modularity: Components can be developed, tested, and deployed independently.
  3. Extensibility: New implementations can be added without modifying existing code.
  4. Testability: Clear boundaries make testing easier and more focused.
  5. Maintainability: Organized structure makes the codebase easier to understand and maintain.
  6. Flexibility: Strategies allow for varying implementations without changing coordination logic.

Design Pattern Comparisons

  • Jobs: Similar to the Command Pattern.
  • Handlers: Combination of Chain of Responsibility and Mediator patterns.
  • Strategies: Direct implementation of the Strategy Pattern.
  • Workers: Follow the Facade Pattern.
  • Overall Structure: Influenced by Hexagonal/Ports and Adapters Architecture.

This architecture provides a clear separation of responsibilities, allowing for component reuse and making your system more adaptable to changing requirements.