Code Quality Tools

Derafu Foundation comes with pre-configured code quality tools to ensure consistent code style and identify potential issues early in development. This document explains how to use these tools effectively.

PHP CS Fixer

PHP CS Fixer is a tool that automatically fixes PHP coding standards issues in your code according to rules you define.


The configuration is defined in php-cs-fixer.php at the root of your project. Key features include:

  • PSR-12 coding standards by default.
  • Strict type declarations enabled.
  • Automatic array syntax conversion to short syntax.
  • Ordered imports.
  • Modern PHP features optimization (e.g., arrow functions).
  • PHPUnit strict assertions.


Run PHP CS Fixer to check code style issues:

vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run --diff

Fix code style issues automatically:

vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix


PHPStan is a static analysis tool that finds bugs in your code without running it. It’s focused on finding errors in code logic.


The configuration is defined in phpstan.neon at the root of your project. By default, it:

  • Sets analysis level to 5 (out of 9)
  • Analyzes code in the src and tests directories

Levels Explained

  • Level 1: Basic checks.
  • Level 2: Possibly undefined variables.
  • Level 3: Return types, phpdocs.
  • Level 4: Type hints.
  • Level 5: Basic dead code detection.
  • Level 6: Detecting unreachable code.
  • Level 7: Union types.
  • Level 8: More precise analysis
  • Level 9: Mixed type detection


Run PHPStan analysis:

vendor/bin/phpstan analyse


PHPUnit is the standard testing framework for PHP applications.


The configuration is defined in phpunit.xml at the root of your project. Key features include:

  • Test coverage reporting enabled.
  • Strict mode enabled (fails on warnings, notices, etc.).
  • Test results output to var/tests-coverage.txt and var/tests-coverage.xml.
  • Test documentation output to var/tests-testdox.txt.

Directory Structure

  • tests/src/: Unit tests for your source code.
  • tests/fixtures/: Test data and fixtures.


Run the test suite:


Generate test coverage reports:

vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html var/coverage

Integration with CI/CD

These tools are integrated into the CI workflow (.github/workflows/ci.yml), which automatically runs on each push to the repository. This ensures that code quality standards are maintained throughout development.

Best Practices

  1. Run tools locally before committing: This helps catch issues before they enter the codebase.
  2. Gradually increase PHPStan level: Start with level 5 and work toward higher levels as your project matures.
  3. Aim for high test coverage: Write tests for all critical code paths.
  4. Update rules as needed: Customize tool configurations to match your project’s specific requirements (remember to deactivate the Derafu\\Foundation\\Installer::copyFiles from the post-install-cmd and post-update-cmd scripts in your composer.json file).