Derafu Routing - Comprehensive Usage Guide

Derafu Routing is a flexible PHP routing library that uses a parser-based architecture. Instead of having a monolithic router, it separates routing logic into specialized parsers, each handling different types of routes.


composer require derafu/routing

Core Concepts

Parser Architecture

The routing system is built around specialized parsers:

  1. StaticParser: Handles exact route matches.
  2. DynamicParser: Processes routes with parameters.
  3. FileSystemParser: Maps URLs to physical files.

Each parser implements the ParserInterface:

interface ParserInterface {
    public function parse(string $uri, array $routes): ?RouteMatchInterface;
    public function supports(RouteInterface $route): bool;

Route Types

Static Routes

The simplest form of routing, handled by StaticParser:

$router = new Router([new StaticParser()]);
$router->addRoute('/about', 'PagesController@action');
$router->addRoute('/contact', 'ContactController@show');

Dynamic Routes

Handled by DynamicParser, supporting various parameter types:

$router->addParser(new DynamicParser());

// Basic parameter.
$router->addRoute('/users/{id}', 'UserController@show');

// Regex validation.
$router->addRoute('/users/{id:\d+}', 'UserController@show');

// Optional parameters.
$router->addRoute('/blog/{year?}', 'BlogController@index');

// Multiple parameters.
$router->addRoute('/blog/{year}/{month?}', 'BlogController@archive');

// Complex patterns.
$router->addRoute('/users/{username:[a-z0-9_-]+}', 'UserController@profile');

File System Routes

The FileSystemParser maps URLs to actual files:

$parser = new FileSystemParser(
    directories: [__DIR__ . '/pages'],
    extensions: ['.html.twig', '.md']

Directory structure:

├──           # Matches /about
├── contact.twig       # Matches /contact
└── blog/
    ├──     # Matches /blog/post-1
    └──     # Matches /blog/post-2

Using the Router

Basic Setup

use Derafu\Routing\Router;
use Derafu\Routing\Parser\StaticParser;
use Derafu\Routing\Parser\DynamicParser;

$router = new Router([
    new StaticParser(),
    new DynamicParser(),

Adding Routes

// String handler (Controller@action).
$router->addRoute('/users', 'UserController@index');

// Closure handler.
$router->addRoute('/api/data', function($params) {
    return ['data' => 'value'];

// Array handler.
$router->addRoute('/blog', [
    'controller' => 'BlogController',
    'action' => 'list'

// Named routes with parameters.
    route: '/users/{id}',
    handler: 'UserController@show',
    name: '',
    parameters: ['active' => true]

Matching Routes

try {
    $match = $router->match('/users/123');
    // $match->getHandler(): Returns the route handler.
    // $match->getParameters(): Returns route parameters.
    // $match->getName(): Returns route name if set.
} catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) {
    // Handle 404.

The Dispatcher

The dispatcher handles the execution of matched routes:

$dispatcher = new Dispatcher([
    'md' => function($file, $params) {
        // Render markdown file.
        return parseMarkdown(file_get_contents($file));
    'twig' => function($file, $params) {
        // Render Twig template.
        return $twig->render($file, $params);

$result = $dispatcher->dispatch($match);

Note: This is a very basic dispatcher, you should implement one by yourself.

Advanced Usage

Custom Parser Example

class RegexParser implements ParserInterface
    public function parse(string $uri, array $routes): ?RouteMatchInterface
        foreach ($routes as $route) {
            if (!$this->supports($route)) {

            // Custom regex matching logic.
            if (preg_match($route->getPattern(), $uri, $matches)) {
                return new RouteMatch(
        return null;

    public function supports(RouteInterface $route): bool
        // Define what routes this parser handles.
        return str_starts_with($route->getPattern(), '#');

Best Practices

  1. Parser Order: Add parsers in order of specificity.

    • StaticParser first (fastest, most specific).
    • DynamicParser next.
    • FileSystemParser last (most flexible, but slower).
  2. Route Organization: Group related routes

    // User management.
    $router->addRoute('/users', 'UserController@index');
    $router->addRoute('/users/{id}', 'UserController@show');
    // Blog system.
    $router->addRoute('/blog', 'BlogController@index');
    $router->addRoute('/blog/{slug}', 'BlogController@show');
  3. Parameter Validation: Use regex constraints for better security.

    // Ensure ID is numeric.
    $router->addRoute('/users/{id:\d+}', 'UserController@show');
    // Validate username format.
    $router->addRoute('/users/{username:[a-z0-9_-]+}', 'UserController@profile');
  4. Error Handling: Always wrap matches in try-catch.

    try {
        $match = $router->match($uri);
        $result = $dispatcher->dispatch($match);
    } catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) {
        // Handle 404.
    } catch (DispatcherException $e) {
        // Handle dispatcher errors.