Advanced Selector Syntax Guide
This guide covers the advanced selector syntax features that make Derafu Selector powerful for complex data manipulation.
- String Literals and Concatenation
- OR Operator for Fallbacks
- Conditional (Ternary) Selectors
- Dependent Selectors
- Comparison Operators
- Special Functions
- Parentheses and Escaping
String Literals and Concatenation
You can include literal strings in your selectors and concatenate them with values from your data:
$data = ['user' => ['name' => 'John']];
// Simple string concatenation.
$greeting = Selector::get($data, '"Hello, "("!"');
// "Hello, John!"
// Multiple concatenations.
$message = Selector::get($data, '"User "(" logged in at "(timestamp)');
// "User John logged in at 2023-04-15 10:30:45"
OR Operator for Fallbacks
The ||
operator provides fallback values when a selector path doesn’t exist or returns null:
$data = [
'user' => [
'name' => 'John',
'email' => '[email protected]',
// phone is not set
// Use email if phone doesn't exist.
$contact = Selector::get($data, '||');
// "[email protected]"
// Chains of fallbacks.
$identifier = Selector::get($data, '||user.username||');
// "[email protected]"
// Fallback to a literal string.
$phone = Selector::get($data, '||"Not provided"');
// "Not provided"
// Combine with string concatenation.
$phoneDisplay = Selector::get($data, '"Phone: "(||"N/A")');
// "Phone: N/A"
Conditional (Ternary) Selectors
Conditionals let you choose between different selector paths based on conditions:
$data = [
'user' => [
'type' => 'admin',
'admin_role' => 'super_admin',
'user_role' => 'regular',
// Simple condition using equality.
$role = Selector::get($data,
'((user.type) = "admin" ? (user.admin_role) : (user.user_role))'
); // "super_admin"
// Using not equal.
$accessLevel = Selector::get($data,
'((user.type) != "guest" ? ("authenticated") : ("anonymous"))'
); // "authenticated"
// Numeric comparisons.
$data = ['score' => 85];
$grade = Selector::get($data,
'((score) >= "90" ? ("A") : ((score) >= "80" ? ("B") : ("C")))'
); // "B"
Dependent Selectors
Find and access specific elements in arrays based on key/value matching:
$data = [
'users' => [
['id' => 101, 'name' => 'John', 'email' => '[email protected]'],
['id' => 102, 'name' => 'Jane', 'email' => '[email protected]'],
['id' => 103, 'name' => 'Bob', 'email' => '[email protected]'],
// Get the name of user with id 102.
$name = Selector::get($data, 'users[id=102:name]');
// "Jane"
// Get the email of user with id 101.
$email = Selector::get($data, 'users[id=101:email]');
// "[email protected]"
// Nested properties.
$data = [
'orders' => [
'id' => 1001,
'customer' => ['id' => 101, 'name' => 'John'],
'items' => [['product' => 'Laptop', 'price' => 999]],
'id' => 1002,
'customer' => ['id' => 102, 'name' => 'Jane'],
'items' => [['product' => 'Phone', 'price' => 699]],
// Get Jane's first order item.
$janeProduct = Selector::get($data, 'orders[id=1002:items][0].product');
// "Phone"
// Access by string values with special characters.
$data = [
'categories' => [
['id' => 'cat-1', 'name' => 'Electronics'],
['id' => 'cat-2', 'name' => 'Books']
$catName = Selector::get($data, 'categories[id=cat-1:name]');
// "Electronics"
Comparison Operators
Conditional selectors support several comparison operators:
$data = [
'product' => [
'price' => 50,
'stock' => 10,
'name' => 'Gadget',
'tags' => ['electronics', 'new'],
// Equality.
$isGadget = Selector::get($data,
'(( = "Gadget" ? ("Yes") : ("No"))'
); // "Yes"
// Not equal.
$isExpensive = Selector::get($data,
'((product.price) != "100" ? ("Affordable") : ("Expensive"))'
); // "Affordable"
// Greater than.
$priceTier = Selector::get($data,
'((product.price) > "75" ? ("Premium") : ("Standard"))'
); // "Standard"
// Less than or equal.
$stockStatus = Selector::get($data,
'((product.stock) <= "5" ? ("Low Stock") : ("In Stock"))'
); // "In Stock"
// Contains (for arrays and strings).
$isNew = Selector::get($data,
'((product.tags) contains "new" ? ("New Arrival") : ("Regular Item"))'
); // "New Arrival"
// Length check.
$nameLength = Selector::get($data,
'(( length "6" ? ("Six Letters") : ("Other Length"))'
); // "Six Letters"
// Null check.
$data['product']['description'] = null;
$hasDescription = Selector::get($data,
'((product.description) is "null" ? ("No Description") : ("Has Description"))'
); // "No Description"
Special Functions
The selector syntax includes several special functions:
$data = [
'product' => [
'name' => 'Gadget',
'price' => 49.99,
'tags' => ['electronics', 'gadget', 'new'],
// contains - check if an array or string contains a value.
$hasTag = Selector::get($data,
'((product.tags) contains "gadget" ? ("Tagged as gadget") : ("Not tagged"))'
); // "Tagged as gadget"
// length - check the length of a string or array.
$tagCount = Selector::get($data,
'((product.tags) length "3" ? ("Has 3 tags") : ("Has another tag count"))'
); // "Has 3 tags"
$nameLength = Selector::get($data,
'(( length "6" ? ("Name has 6 chars") : ("Name has different length"))'
); // "Name has 6 chars"
// is - check the type of a value (currently supports null checks).
$hasDescription = Selector::get($data,
'((product.description) is "null" ? ("No description") : ("Has description"))'
); // "No description"
Parentheses and Escaping
The selector syntax uses parentheses and quotes extensively:
// (selector) extracts a value from the data
// "string" is a literal string
$data = ['message' => 'Hello World'];
// Simple extraction.
$msg = Selector::get($data, '(message)'); // "Hello World"
// Literal string.
$literal = Selector::get($data, '"Static text"'); // "Static text"
// Concatenating extractions and literals.
$full = Selector::get($data, '(message)" - welcome!"'); // "Hello World - welcome!"
// Escaping quotes and parentheses.
$escaped = Selector::get($data, '"This is a \\"quoted\\" string"'); // 'This is a "quoted" string'
$parentheses = Selector::get($data, '"Formula: (x + y)"'); // "Formula: (x + y)"
// Nested parentheses for complex expressions.
$nested = Selector::get($data, '((message) = "Hello World" ? ("Greeting") : ("Other message"))');
// "Greeting"
For even more advanced capabilities, explore the integration with JSONPath and JMESPath in their respective guides.