SignatureGenerator Documentation
The SignatureGenerator
class is responsible for creating digital signatures, both for general data and specifically for XML documents according to the XML-DSIG standard.
The SignatureGenerator
implements the SignatureGeneratorInterface
and provides mechanisms to:
- Sign any data using a private key.
- Sign XML documents using a certificate.
- Calculate digest values for XML documents or specific elements within them.
This class is a core component of the Derafu Signature library and is typically used through the SignatureService
Basic Usage
use Derafu\Signature\Service\SignatureGenerator;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlDecoder;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlEncoder;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlService;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlValidator;
// Initialize required XML services.
$xmlEncoder = new XmlEncoder();
$xmlDecoder = new XmlDecoder();
$xmlValidator = new XmlValidator();
$xmlService = new XmlService($xmlEncoder, $xmlDecoder, $xmlValidator);
// Create the signature generator.
$generator = new SignatureGenerator($xmlService);
Signing Data
// Sign data with a private key.
$data = 'Data to be signed';
$signature = $generator->sign($data, $privateKey);
// Optional: Specify a different signature algorithm.
$signature = $generator->sign($data, $privateKey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);
Signing XML Documents
use Derafu\Certificate\Service\CertificateLoader;
// Load a certificate.
$loader = new CertificateLoader();
$certificate = $loader->loadFromFile('/path/to/certificate.p12', 'password');
// Sign an XML string.
$xmlString = '<root><element>data</element></root>';
$signedXml = $generator->signXml($xmlString, $certificate);
// Sign a specific element in the XML (identified by ID).
$xmlWithIds = '<root><element ID="myElement">data</element></root>';
$signedXml = $generator->signXml($xmlWithIds, $certificate, 'myElement');
Calculating Digest Values
// Create an XML document.
$xmlDoc = new \Derafu\Xml\XmlDocument();
$xmlDoc->loadXml('<root><element ID="myElement">data</element></root>');
// Calculate digest value for the entire document.
$digestValue = $generator->generateXmlDigestValue($xmlDoc);
// Calculate digest value for a specific element.
$digestValue = $generator->generateXmlDigestValue($xmlDoc, 'myElement');
API Reference
Data Signing
* Sign the provided data using a private key.
* @param string $data Data to be signed.
* @param string $privateKey Private key to be used for signing.
* @param string|int $signatureAlgorithm Algorithm to be used for signing (default SHA1).
* @return string Digital signature in base64.
* @throws SignatureException If the signing operation fails.
public function sign(
string $data,
string $privateKey,
string|int $signatureAlgorithm = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1
): string;
XML Signing
* Sign an XML document using RSA and SHA1.
* @param XmlDocumentInterface|string $xml XML document to be signed.
* @param CertificateInterface $certificate Digital certificate to be used for signing.
* @param ?string $reference Reference to which the signature is made. If not
* specified, the digest of the entire XML document will be signed.
* @return string String XML with the generated signature included in the
* "Signature" tag at the end of the XML (last element within the root node).
* @throws SignatureException If any problem occurs while signing.
public function signXml(
XmlDocumentInterface|string $xml,
CertificateInterface $certificate,
?string $reference = null
): string;
Digest Value Generation
* Generate the SHA1 ("DigestValue") of a node of the XML with a certain
* reference. This can be used later to generate the XML signature.
* If no reference is specified, the "DigestValue" will be calculated over the
* entire XML (root node).
* @param XmlDocumentInterface $doc XML document to be signed.
* @param ?string $reference Reference to which the signature is made.
* @return string Data of the XML that must be digested.
* @throws XmlException If the reference is not found in the XML.
public function generateXmlDigestValue(
XmlDocumentInterface $doc,
?string $reference = null
): string;
Implementation Details
Digital Signature Process
For general data, the signing process is straightforward:
- The data is signed using the private key and the specified algorithm.
- The resulting binary signature is base64-encoded.
- The base64-encoded signature is returned.
XML Signature Process
For XML documents, the signing process follows the XML-DSIG standard:
- The XML document is loaded and parsed.
- If a reference is provided, the referenced element is located.
- The digest value (SHA1 hash) of the canonicalized (C14N) content is calculated.
- A
node is created with the digest value and certificate information. - The
element of the signature is canonicalized. - The canonicalized
is signed using the certificate’s private key. - The signature value is added to the
element. - The complete signature node is added to the XML document.
- The signed XML document is returned.
The class uses the C14NWithIso88591Encoding
method for canonicalization, which:
- Applies XML canonicalization (C14N) according to the W3C standard.
- Converts the result to ISO-8859-1 encoding.
- Ensures consistent representation across different systems.
This process is crucial for ensuring that the same signature is generated regardless of the XML document’s formatting or encoding.
Reference Handling
When a reference is provided:
- The reference must be an ID attribute value in the XML document.
- The digest is calculated only for the referenced element.
- The signature’s
element includes a URI attribute (#elementId
). - The transform algorithm is set to standard C14N.
When no reference is provided:
- The digest is calculated for the entire document (excluding any existing signature).
- The signature’s
element has an empty URI attribute. - The transform algorithm is set to “enveloped signature transformation”.
Signature Node Creation
The class creates a Signature
node with the following components:
: Contains information about what data was signed.CanonicalizationMethod
: Specifies the C14N algorithm.SignatureMethod
: Specifies RSA-SHA1.Reference
: Points to the signed content and includes the digest value.
: Contains the actual signature of theSignedInfo
element. -
: Contains information about the certificate used for signing.KeyValue/RSAKeyValue
: Contains the modulus and exponent from the certificate.X509Data/X509Certificate
: Contains the certificate itself.