SignatureGenerator Documentation

The SignatureGenerator class is responsible for creating digital signatures, both for general data and specifically for XML documents according to the XML-DSIG standard.


The SignatureGenerator implements the SignatureGeneratorInterface and provides mechanisms to:

  1. Sign any data using a private key.
  2. Sign XML documents using a certificate.
  3. Calculate digest values for XML documents or specific elements within them.

This class is a core component of the Derafu Signature library and is typically used through the SignatureService facade.

Basic Usage


use Derafu\Signature\Service\SignatureGenerator;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlDecoder;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlEncoder;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlService;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlValidator;

// Initialize required XML services.
$xmlEncoder = new XmlEncoder();
$xmlDecoder = new XmlDecoder();
$xmlValidator = new XmlValidator();
$xmlService = new XmlService($xmlEncoder, $xmlDecoder, $xmlValidator);

// Create the signature generator.
$generator = new SignatureGenerator($xmlService);

Signing Data

// Sign data with a private key.
$data = 'Data to be signed';
$signature = $generator->sign($data, $privateKey);

// Optional: Specify a different signature algorithm.
$signature = $generator->sign($data, $privateKey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);

Signing XML Documents

use Derafu\Certificate\Service\CertificateLoader;

// Load a certificate.
$loader = new CertificateLoader();
$certificate = $loader->loadFromFile('/path/to/certificate.p12', 'password');

// Sign an XML string.
$xmlString = '<root><element>data</element></root>';
$signedXml = $generator->signXml($xmlString, $certificate);

// Sign a specific element in the XML (identified by ID).
$xmlWithIds = '<root><element ID="myElement">data</element></root>';
$signedXml = $generator->signXml($xmlWithIds, $certificate, 'myElement');

Calculating Digest Values

// Create an XML document.
$xmlDoc = new \Derafu\Xml\XmlDocument();
$xmlDoc->loadXml('<root><element ID="myElement">data</element></root>');

// Calculate digest value for the entire document.
$digestValue = $generator->generateXmlDigestValue($xmlDoc);

// Calculate digest value for a specific element.
$digestValue = $generator->generateXmlDigestValue($xmlDoc, 'myElement');

API Reference

Data Signing

 * Sign the provided data using a private key.
 * @param string $data Data to be signed.
 * @param string $privateKey Private key to be used for signing.
 * @param string|int $signatureAlgorithm Algorithm to be used for signing (default SHA1).
 * @return string Digital signature in base64.
 * @throws SignatureException If the signing operation fails.
public function sign(
    string $data,
    string $privateKey,
    string|int $signatureAlgorithm = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1
): string;

XML Signing

 * Sign an XML document using RSA and SHA1.
 * @param XmlDocumentInterface|string $xml XML document to be signed.
 * @param CertificateInterface $certificate Digital certificate to be used for signing.
 * @param ?string $reference Reference to which the signature is made. If not
 * specified, the digest of the entire XML document will be signed.
 * @return string String XML with the generated signature included in the
 * "Signature" tag at the end of the XML (last element within the root node).
 * @throws SignatureException If any problem occurs while signing.
public function signXml(
    XmlDocumentInterface|string $xml,
    CertificateInterface $certificate,
    ?string $reference = null
): string;

Digest Value Generation

 * Generate the SHA1 ("DigestValue") of a node of the XML with a certain
 * reference. This can be used later to generate the XML signature.
 * If no reference is specified, the "DigestValue" will be calculated over the
 * entire XML (root node).
 * @param XmlDocumentInterface $doc XML document to be signed.
 * @param ?string $reference Reference to which the signature is made.
 * @return string Data of the XML that must be digested.
 * @throws XmlException If the reference is not found in the XML.
public function generateXmlDigestValue(
    XmlDocumentInterface $doc,
    ?string $reference = null
): string;

Implementation Details

Digital Signature Process

For general data, the signing process is straightforward:

  1. The data is signed using the private key and the specified algorithm.
  2. The resulting binary signature is base64-encoded.
  3. The base64-encoded signature is returned.

XML Signature Process

For XML documents, the signing process follows the XML-DSIG standard:

  1. The XML document is loaded and parsed.
  2. If a reference is provided, the referenced element is located.
  3. The digest value (SHA1 hash) of the canonicalized (C14N) content is calculated.
  4. A Signature node is created with the digest value and certificate information.
  5. The SignedInfo element of the signature is canonicalized.
  6. The canonicalized SignedInfo is signed using the certificate’s private key.
  7. The signature value is added to the SignatureValue element.
  8. The complete signature node is added to the XML document.
  9. The signed XML document is returned.


The class uses the C14NWithIso88591Encoding method for canonicalization, which:

  1. Applies XML canonicalization (C14N) according to the W3C standard.
  2. Converts the result to ISO-8859-1 encoding.
  3. Ensures consistent representation across different systems.

This process is crucial for ensuring that the same signature is generated regardless of the XML document’s formatting or encoding.

Reference Handling

When a reference is provided:

  1. The reference must be an ID attribute value in the XML document.
  2. The digest is calculated only for the referenced element.
  3. The signature’s Reference element includes a URI attribute (#elementId).
  4. The transform algorithm is set to standard C14N.

When no reference is provided:

  1. The digest is calculated for the entire document (excluding any existing signature).
  2. The signature’s Reference element has an empty URI attribute.
  3. The transform algorithm is set to “enveloped signature transformation”.

Signature Node Creation

The class creates a Signature node with the following components:

  1. SignedInfo: Contains information about what data was signed.

    • CanonicalizationMethod: Specifies the C14N algorithm.
    • SignatureMethod: Specifies RSA-SHA1.
    • Reference: Points to the signed content and includes the digest value.
  2. SignatureValue: Contains the actual signature of the SignedInfo element.

  3. KeyInfo: Contains information about the certificate used for signing.

    • KeyValue/RSAKeyValue: Contains the modulus and exponent from the certificate.
    • X509Data/X509Certificate: Contains the certificate itself.