Certificate Class Documentation

The Certificate class is the core component of the Derafu Certificate library, representing a digital certificate with its public and private keys and providing methods to access certificate details and properties.


The Certificate class implements the CertificateInterface and provides functionality to:

  • Access public and private keys.
  • Extract certificate metadata (ID, name, email, issuer, etc.).
  • Check certificate validity.
  • Get certificate validity dates.
  • Retrieve cryptographic components (modulus, exponent).
  • Generate PKCS#12 data.


Creating a Certificate

To create a Certificate instance, you need a public key (certificate) and a private key:

use Derafu\Certificate\Certificate;

$certificate = new Certificate($publicKey, $privateKey);

The constructor automatically normalizes the keys using AsymmetricKeyHelper.

Getting Keys

// Get both keys as an array.
$keys = $certificate->getKeys();
// Result: ['cert' => '...public key...', 'pkey' => '...private key...']

// Get both keys without headers/footers.
$cleanKeys = $certificate->getKeys(clean: true);

// Get just the public key.
$publicKey = $certificate->getPublicKey();
// Alternatively.
$publicKey = $certificate->getCertificate();

// Get just the private key.
$privateKey = $certificate->getPrivateKey();

// Get clean keys (without headers/footers).
$cleanPublicKey = $certificate->getPublicKey(clean: true);
$cleanPrivateKey = $certificate->getPrivateKey(clean: true);

Certificate Metadata

// Get certificate ID (usually a document/tax number).
$id = $certificate->getId(); // e.g., "12345678-9"
$id = $certificate->getId(forceUpper:false); // with original case, e.g., "12345678-k"

// Get certificate owner's name.
$name = $certificate->getName();

// Get certificate owner's email.
$email = $certificate->getEmail();

// Get certificate issuer.
$issuer = $certificate->getIssuer();

Certificate Validity

// Check if certificate is valid (not expired).
$isActive = $certificate->isActive();

// Check if certificate is valid at a specific date.
$isActiveOn = $certificate->isActive('2025-06-01');

// Get certificate validity period.
$validFrom = $certificate->getFrom(); // e.g., "2025-01-01T00:00:00"
$validTo = $certificate->getTo(); // e.g., "2026-01-01T00:00:00"

// Get total validity period in days.
$totalDays = $certificate->getTotalDays();

// Get days remaining until expiration.
$daysRemaining = $certificate->getExpirationDays();

// Get days remaining from a specific date.
$daysRemainingFrom = $certificate->getExpirationDays('2025-06-01');

Cryptographic Components

// Get certificate raw data.
$data = $certificate->getData();

// Get private key details.
$privateKeyDetails = $certificate->getPrivateKeyDetails();

// Get modulus and exponent.
$modulus = $certificate->getModulus();
$exponent = $certificate->getExponent();

// With custom word wrapping.
$modulus = $certificate->getModulus(wordwrap: 75);
$exponent = $certificate->getExponent(wordwrap: 75);

Exporting a Certificate

// Export certificate as PKCS#12 data.
$pkcs12 = $certificate->getPkcs12('password');

// Save to a file.
file_put_contents('certificate.p12', $pkcs12);

Error Handling

The Certificate class throws CertificateException when it encounters problems such as:

  • Unable to extract the certificate ID.
  • Unable to find the certificate name.
  • Unable to find the certificate email.
  • Unable to access the modulus or exponent.


use Derafu\Certificate\Exception\CertificateException;

try {
    $id = $certificate->getId();
    $name = $certificate->getName();
    $email = $certificate->getEmail();
} catch (CertificateException $e) {
    echo "Certificate error: " . $e->getMessage();

Implementation Details

ID Extraction

The getId() method attempts to extract the certificate ID through multiple methods:

  1. First, it checks the serialNumber field in the subject.
  2. If not found, it looks for the ID in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension.
  3. If still not found, it throws a CertificateException.

Certificate Validation

The isActive() method checks if the certificate is valid at the current date (or a specified date) by comparing it against the certificate’s validity period.

Cryptographic Components

The getModulus() and getExponent() methods extract these values from the private key details and return them as base64-encoded strings, which can be used for various cryptographic operations.