SelfSignedCertificate Documentation

The SelfSignedCertificate class provides functionality to generate self-signed certificates for testing and development purposes. It allows customization of certificate properties such as subject, issuer, validity period, and password protection.


This class creates a digital certificate that includes:

  1. A Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
  2. A user certificate signed by the CA.
  3. Both packaged together in PKCS#12 format.

The generated certificate is suitable for testing electronic signature functionality without requiring a certificate from a commercial Certificate Authority.

Basic Usage

use Derafu\Certificate\SelfSignedCertificate;
use Derafu\Certificate\Service\CertificateLoader;

// Create with default settings.
$selfSigned = new SelfSignedCertificate();
$certificateArray = $selfSigned->toArray();

// Load as a Certificate object.
$loader = new CertificateLoader();
$certificate = $loader->loadFromArray($certificateArray);

Configuration Methods

Setting the Subject

The subject represents the owner of the certificate:

    C: 'US',                              // Country code (2 letters).
    ST: 'California',                     // State/Province.
    L: 'San Francisco',                   // Locality/City.
    O: 'Example Corporation',             // Organization.
    OU: 'IT Department',                  // Organizational Unit.
    CN: 'John Doe',                       // Common Name (full name).
    emailAddress: '[email protected]', // Email address.
    serialNumber: '12345678-9',           // ID/Serial number (tax ID, etc.).
    title: 'System Administrator'         // Title.

Only CN, emailAddress, and serialNumber are strictly required. The method will throw a CertificateException if any of these are empty.

Setting the Issuer

The issuer represents the Certificate Authority that issues the certificate:

    C: 'US',                           // Country code
    ST: 'Washington',                  // State/Province
    L: 'Seattle',                      // Locality/City
    O: 'Example CA',                   // Organization
    OU: 'Certificate Authority',       // Organizational Unit
    CN: 'Example Root CA',             // CA Name
    emailAddress: '[email protected]',    // CA Email
    serialNumber: '87654321-0'         // CA ID

Setting the Validity Period

// Set validity to 730 days (2 years).

The default validity period is 365 days (1 year).

Setting the Password

// Set password for the private key.

The default password is 'i_love_derafu'.

Generating the Certificate

Getting the Certificate Array

// Get the certificate as an array with 'cert' and 'pkey' elements.
$certificateArray = $selfSigned->toArray();

// The array contains:
// [
//     'cert' => '...public key certificate...',
//     'pkey' => '...private key...'
// ]

Getting the Raw PKCS#12 Data

// Get the toPkcs12() method result (PKCS#12 binary data).
$pkcs12Data = $selfSigned->toPkcs12();

// Save to a file.
file_put_contents('certificate.p12', $pkcs12Data);

Certificate Structure

The generated certificate consists of:

  1. An issuer (CA) certificate that is self-signed.
  2. A subject certificate that is signed by the issuer.
  3. Both certificates’ private keys.

The PKCS#12 container includes both certificates and is password-protected using the specified password.

Default Values

If you create a SelfSignedCertificate without any customization, it will use the following default values:

Default Subject

  • Country: CL (Chile).
  • State: Colchagua.
  • Locality: Santa Cruz.
  • Organization: Intergalactic Robots Organization.
  • Organizational Unit: Technology.
  • Common Name: Daniel Bot.
  • Email: [email protected].
  • Serial Number: 11222333-9.
  • Title: Bot.

Default Issuer

  • Country: CL (Chile).
  • State: Colchagua.
  • Locality: Santa Cruz.
  • Organization: Derafu.
  • Organizational Unit: Technology.
  • Common Name: Derafu Test Certificate Authority.
  • Email: [email protected].
  • Serial Number: 76192083-9.

Other Defaults

  • Validity: 365 days.
  • Password: i_love_derafu.

Implementation Details

The SelfSignedCertificate class uses the PHP OpenSSL extension to:

  1. Generate a key pair for the issuer.
  2. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the issuer.
  3. Self-sign the issuer’s CSR to create the issuer certificate.
  4. Generate a key pair for the subject.
  5. Create a CSR for the subject.
  6. Sign the subject’s CSR with the issuer’s certificate.
  7. Package everything into a PKCS#12 container.

The process mimics a real CA-issued certificate but is entirely self-contained and suitable for testing purposes.