Derafu Sites Server - Docker with PHP and Caddy for Deployer

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A modern Docker setup for hosting PHP websites with Caddy web server and SSH access for Deployer deployments.


  • PHP 8.3: Supported PHP version with common extensions.
  • Caddy: Modern web server with automatic HTTPS.
  • SSH Access: For automated deployments with Deployer.
  • Automatic Site Discovery: Just add your site folder and it works.
  • Development Domains: Test with .local domains that map to production folders.
  • Automatic WWW Redirection: For second-level domains (e.g., →
  • Auto-HTTPS: Certificates are automatically generated on-demand.
  • Environment Separation: Development and production environments managed through Docker Compose override.

Quick Start


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
  • SSH key for deployment access.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd docker-php-caddy-server
  2. Add your SSH public key to config/ssh/authorized_keys for admin, and default deployment, access:

    cat ~/.ssh/ > config/ssh/authorized_keys
  3. Build and start the container:

    docker-compose up -d

    The -d parameter runs it in detached mode (background).


Check that the container is running:

docker-compose ps

View container logs:

docker-compose logs -f

The -f parameter allows you to follow logs in real-time.

Testing Your First Site

  1. Create a test site directory structure:

    mkdir -p sites/
    echo "<?php phpinfo();" > sites/
  2. Access the site at:

For local development, add to your /etc/hosts file:

Directory Structure

├── config/                     # Configuration files.
│   ├── caddy/                  # Caddy configuration.
│   ├── php/                    # PHP configuration.
│   ├── ssh/                    # SSH configuration and authorized keys.
│   └── supervisor/             # Supervisor configuration.
├── sites/                      # Web sites directory for local development.
│   └──        # Example site.
│       └── public/             # Public web files.
├── .env                        # Docker Compose environment configuration.
├── Dockerfile                  # Container definition.
├── docker-compose.yml          # Docker services configuration (production).
└── docker-compose.override.yml # Development-specific configuration.

Development vs Production Environment

This project uses Docker Compose’s override functionality to separate development and production configurations:

Production Environment

The base docker-compose.yml contains the minimal configuration needed for production deployment. It:

  • Sets up required environment variables.
  • Defines essential ports (HTTP, HTTPS, SSH).
  • Doesn’t mount external volumes.

Development Environment

The docker-compose.override.yml file adds development-specific settings:

  • Adds additional development ports (e.g., management interface).
  • Mounts local volumes for easy site development.


  • Development: Docker Compose automatically merges both files:

    docker-compose up -d
  • Production: Use only the base configuration:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Access and Management

SSH Access

Connect to the container via SSH:

ssh admin@localhost -p 2222

Direct Container Access

Access the container shell:

docker exec -it derafu-sites-server-php-caddy bash

Restarting Services

Restart Caddy web server:

docker exec -it derafu-sites-server-php-caddy supervisorctl restart caddy

Stopping the Container

docker-compose down

Rebuilding After Configuration Changes

Rebuild for development:

docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d

Rebuild for production:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build --no-cache
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Adding New Sites

  1. Create the site directory structure:

    mkdir -p sites/
    touch sites/
  2. No server restart required! Caddy automatically detects new sites.

  3. For local development, add to your hosts file:

Environment Variables

Customize behavior through environment variables:

Variable Description Default
SERVER_NAME Name for the docker container derafu-sites-server
CADDY_DEBUG Enable debug mode with debug (empty)
CADDY_EMAIL Email for Let’s Encrypt [email protected]
CADDY_HTTPS_ISSUER TLS issuer (internal, acme) internal
CADDY_LOG_SIZE Log file max size 100mb
CADDY_LOG_KEEP Number of log files to keep 5
CADDY_LOG_KEEP_DAYS Days to keep logs 14
WWW_ROOT_PATH Web root path /var/www/sites
WWW_USER WWW and SSH user in the container admin
WWW_GROUP WWW group in the container www-data
HTTP_PORT HTTP port in host 8080
HTTPS_PORT HTTPS port in host 8443
SSH_PORT SSH port in host 2222

Domain Logic

The server handles domains in the following way:

  1. Development domains: Any domain ending with .local (e.g.,

    • Maps to the same directory as its production counterpart.
    • Uses internal self-signed certificates.
  2. Production domains:

    • Redirects from non-www to www for second-level domains.
    • Automatically obtains and manages Let’s Encrypt certificates (issuer acme).


SSL Certificate Issues

If you’re having issues with SSL certificates in development:

  • Ensure your browser trusts self-signed certificates.
  • Try using HTTP instead of HTTPS for local development.

Permissions Issues

If you encounter permission issues:

docker exec -it derafu-sites-server-php-caddy chown -R admin:www-data /var/www/sites

Logs Location

Logs are available in the container and can be accessed with:

docker exec -it derafu-sites-server-php-caddy cat /var/log/caddy/access.log

Advanced Usage

Custom Caddy Configuration

For advanced configurations, modify the Caddyfile at config/caddy/Caddyfile.

Using with Deployer

This container is designed to work with Deployer for PHP deployments:

  1. Set up your deploy.php configuration to connect to the SSH server on port 2222.
  2. Use the admin user for authentication.
  3. Set your deployment path to /var/www/sites/


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.