Derafu: Vite Plugin D2 - A Vite plugin to convert D2 diagrams to Images

A Vite plugin that converts D2 diagram files to SVG during the build process.


npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-d2

Make sure you have D2 installed globally:

npm install -g d2

Or follow the official installation instructions at:


Add the plugin to your vite.config.js:

import vitePluginD2 from 'vite-plugin-d2';

export default {
  plugins: [
      // Options (all optional).
      theme: 0,              // D2 theme (number).
      layout: 'dagre',       // Layout engine.
      sketch: false,         // Enable sketch mode.
      dark: false,           // Enable dark mode.
      pad: 10,               // Padding.
      diagramsDir: './assets/diagrams',  // Input directory for D2 files.
      outputDir: null,       // Custom output dir (uses Vite's outDir if null).
      outputFormat: 'svg',   // Output format (currently only 'svg').
      verbose: false         // Enable verbose output logging.

How it works

The plugin searches for .d2 files in the specified directory (diagramsDir, defaults to ./assets/diagrams). During the build process, this plugin will:

  1. Find all .d2 files in the specified directory.
  2. Convert them to SVG using the D2 CLI.
  3. Place the generated SVG files in the output directory.

For example, if you have:

  • ./assets/diagrams/architecture.d2

The plugin will generate:

  • ./dist/architecture.svg (or in your configured output directory).

Output Directory Configuration

By default, the plugin will output the SVG files to Vite’s configured build output directory (build.outDir, which defaults to dist).

You can customize the output location by setting the outputDir option. The relative structure of files within the diagramsDir will be preserved in the output.

Example D2 File

# Example D2 diagram.
shape: sequence_diagram
actor User
app: Application
db: Database

User -> app: Request data
app -> db: Query
db -> app: Results
app -> User: Display data


Option Type Default Description
theme number 0 D2 theme number
layout string ‘dagre’ Layout engine (e.g., ‘dagre’, ‘elk’)
sketch boolean false Enable sketch/hand-drawn mode
dark boolean false Enable dark mode
pad number 10 Padding around the diagram
diagramsDir string ‘./assets/diagrams’ Directory containing D2 files
outputDir string|null null Custom output directory (uses Vite’s build.outDir if null)
outputFormat string ‘svg’ Output format (currently only ‘svg’ is supported)
verbose boolean false Enable verbose output logging

Advanced Usage

Custom Input and Output Directories

You can specify custom directories for your D2 files and the generated SVGs:

  diagramsDir: './src/diagrams',  // Custom input directory.
  outputDir: './public/images',   // Custom output directory.
  verbose: true                   // Enable detailed logging.

Styling Options

Customize the appearance of your diagrams:

  theme: 3,           // Use theme number 3.
  sketch: true,       // Enable sketch mode for hand-drawn appearance.
  dark: true,         // Enable dark mode.
  pad: 20             // Add more padding (20px).


If you encounter issues:

  1. Make sure D2 is properly installed and available in your PATH.
  2. Check if the input directory exists and contains .d2 files.
  3. Enable verbose mode (verbose: true) to see detailed logs.
  4. Verify you have the necessary permissions to write to the output directory.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.