Comparison with Alternative Libraries
When choosing a spreadsheet library for PHP, it’s important to understand the differences between available options. This guide compares Derafu Spreadsheet with some popular alternatives.
- Derafu Spreadsheet vs PhpSpreadsheet
- Derafu Spreadsheet vs league/csv
- Code Comparison Examples
- Feature Comparison Table
- Conclusion
Derafu Spreadsheet vs PhpSpreadsheet
PhpSpreadsheet is the most widely used PHP spreadsheet library and is actually used internally by Derafu Spreadsheet for some format handlers.
Advantages of Derafu Spreadsheet
- Simplified API: The API is more streamlined and consistent across formats.
- Customizable type casting: Has a custom and flexible type casting system.
- Format-agnostic code: Write code once that works with any spreadsheet format.
- Easier data access: Direct methods for working with rows and cells.
- Native handling of JSON/YAML: Built-in support for these data exchange formats.
- JSON inside: Allows you to easily store and retrieve JSON data inside spreadsheets.
- Modular approach: Use only the format handlers you need.
- Less overhead: Simpler in-memory structure for data representation.
When to use PhpSpreadsheet instead
- Advanced Excel features: If you need complex Excel features like conditional formatting, charts, etc.
- Cell styling: If you need detailed control over cell appearance.
- Formula calculation: If you need to evaluate Excel formulas.
- Mature ecosystem: PhpSpreadsheet has been around longer and has more examples and community code.
Derafu Spreadsheet vs league/csv
league/csv is a focused library for working with CSV files. Internally, Derafu Spreadsheet uses it, as default, for CSV format handling.
Advantages of Derafu Spreadsheet
- Multiple format support: Work with many formats using the same code.
- Automatic type casting: league/csv returns everything as strings.
- Higher-level abstractions: Work with the concepts of sheets, rows, and cells.
- Easy format conversion: Convert between CSV and other formats seamlessly.
When to use league/csv instead
- CSV-only projects: If you only need to work with CSV files.
- Memory efficiency for large files: league/csv has specialized streaming capabilities.
- CSV-specific features: If you need advanced CSV features like RFC compliance options.
- Simplicity: If you want a more focused, single-purpose library.
Code Comparison Examples
Basic Reading Example
Derafu Spreadsheet:
use Derafu\Spreadsheet\SpreadsheetLoader;
$loader = new Loader();
$sheet = $loader->loadFromFile('data.xlsx')->getActiveSheet();
foreach ($sheet->getDataRows() as $row) {
$id = $row[0]; // Already cast to proper type (int).
$date = $row[1]; // Already a DateTimeImmutable.
// Process...
use DateTimeImmutable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
$spreadsheet = IOFactory::load('data.xlsx');
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
foreach ($sheet->getRowIterator(2) as $row) {
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
$rowData = [];
foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {
$rowData[] = $cell->getValue();
$id = (int)$rowData[0]; // Depending on your app and code, manual casting needed.
$date = new DateTimeImmutable($rowData[1]); // Manual conversion.
// Process...
use DateTimeImmutable;
use League\Csv\Reader;
$reader = Reader::createFromPath('data.csv');
foreach ($reader->getRecords() as $record) {
$id = (int)$record['id']; // Depending on your app and code, manual casting needed.
$date = new DateTimeImmutable($record['date']); // Manual conversion.
// Process...
Format Conversion Example
Derafu Spreadsheet:
use Derafu\Spreadsheet\SpreadsheetLoader;
use Derafu\Spreadsheet\SpreadsheetDumper;
$loader = new Loader();
$dumper = new Dumper();
// Load XLSX and save as CSV.
$spreadsheet = $loader->loadFromFile('data.xlsx');
$dumper->dumpToFile($spreadsheet, 'data.csv');
// Load CSV and save as JSON.
$spreadsheet = $loader->loadFromFile('data.csv');
$dumper->dumpToFile($spreadsheet, 'data.json');
With alternative libraries:
use League\Csv\Reader as CsvReader;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory as PhpSpreadsheetIOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Csv as PhpSpreadsheetCsvWriter;
// Load with PhpSpreadsheet, save as CSV.
$spreadsheet = PhpSpreadsheetIOFactory::load('data.xlsx');
$writer = new PhpSpreadsheetCsvWriter($spreadsheet);
// To convert CSV to JSON, would require:
$csv = CsvReader::createFromPath('data.csv');
$records = iterator_to_array($csv->getRecords());
file_put_contents('data.json', json_encode($records, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
Feature Comparison Table
Feature | Derafu Spreadsheet | PhpSpreadsheet | league/csv |
Formats Supported | XLSX, XLS, CSV, ODS, JSON, XML, YAML, HTML, PDF | XLSX, XLS, CSV, ODS, HTML, PDF | CSV only |
API Consistency | Excellent | Complex | Simple |
Memory Efficiency | Can be better with streaming support | Poor for large files | Excellent |
Streaming Support | Soon | Yes | Excellent |
Customizable Casting | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
PSR-7 Integration | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
JSON/YAML Support | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Formula Support | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Cell Styling | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Derafu Spreadsheet is focused on simplicity and ease of use for handling the data inside spreadsheets, not the styling. It excels when you need:
- Unified handling of multiple file formats.
- Clean, intuitive API for spreadsheet operations.
- Automatic type handling to reduce boilerplate code.
- Format conversion capabilities.
- Modern PHP architecture with a focus on developer experience.
Other libraries may be better suited for specific use cases:
- PhpSpreadsheet: For complex Excel features and formatting.
- league/csv: For CSV-specific operations and streaming large files.
Choose the tool that best matches your specific requirements and constraints.