Format Handlers

Format handlers are a key component of Derafu Spreadsheet that enable the library to work with different file formats. Each format handler implements the FormatHandlerInterface and knows how to read and write a specific format.

Supported Formats

Format conversion diagram

Derafu Spreadsheet supports the following formats in the core package:

Format Extension Handler Class Dependencies
Excel XLSX .xlsx XlsxHandler PhpSpreadsheet
Excel XLS .xls XlsHandler PhpSpreadsheet
OpenDocument .ods OdsHandler PhpSpreadsheet
CSV (League) .csv CsvLeagueHandler League/CSV
CSV (PhpSpreadsheet) .csv CsvPhpSpreadsheetHandler PhpSpreadsheet
JSON .json JsonHandler PHP built-in
XML .xml XmlHandler PHP built-in
YAML .yaml YamlHandler Symfony/Yaml
HTML .html HtmlHandler PhpSpreadsheet
PDF .pdf PdfHandler PhpSpreadsheet + PDF renderer

How Format Handlers Work

Each format handler is responsible for:

  1. Loading data from a file into a SpreadsheetInterface object.
  2. Dumping data from a SpreadsheetInterface object to a file or string (memory).
  3. Providing metadata like the file extension and MIME type.

The Factory class manages the format handlers and automatically selects the appropriate handler based on the file extension.

Using Format Handlers

Most of the time, you don’t need to interact with format handlers directly. The Loader and Dumper classes handle this for you:

$loader = new Loader();
$spreadsheet = $loader->loadFromFile('data.xlsx');

$dumper = new Dumper();
$dumper->dumpToFile($spreadsheet, 'output.csv');

However, if needed, you can access format handlers directly through the Factory:

$factory = new Factory();
$xlsxHandler = $factory->createFormatHandler('filepath.xlsx');

// or with explicit format
$csvHandler = $factory->createFormatHandler('filepath.file', 'csv');

Format-Specific Options

Some format handlers support additional options in the constructor.

CSV Options (CsvLeagueHandler)

$csvHandler = new CsvLeagueHandler(
    delimiter: ',',      // Column delimiter.
    enclosure: '"',      // Field enclosure character.
    escape: '\\',        // Escape character.
    sheetName: 'Sheet'   // Default sheet name when loading CSV.

OpenDocument/Excel Options (OdsHandler, XlsHandler, XlsxHandler)

$xlsxHandler = new XlsxHandler(
    readDataOnly: true   // Read values only, ignore formatting.

PDF Options (PdfHandler)

$pdfHandler = new PdfHandler(
    writerType: 'Mpdf'   // Can be 'Mpdf', 'Dompdf', or 'Tcpdf'.

JSON Options (JsonHandler)

$jsonHandler = new JsonHandler(
    decodeOptions: JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY,
    depth: 512,
    sheetName: 'Sheet'

YAML Options (YamlHandler)

use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

$yamlHandler = new YamlHandler(
    sheetName: 'Sheet'

Custom Format Handlers

You can create your own format handlers by implementing the FormatHandlerInterface:

use Derafu\Spreadsheet\Contract\SpreadsheetFormatHandlerInterface;

class MyCustomHandler implements FormatHandlerInterface
    // Implement required methods.

// Register with the factory.
$factory = new Factory();
$factory->registerFormatHandler('custom', MyCustomHandler::class);

// Now you can use it.
$loader = new Loader($factory);
$spreadsheet = $loader->loadFromFile('filepath.custom');

Format Detection

The Factory class detects the format based on the file extension. If the file doesn’t have an extension or if you want to override it, you can explicitly specify the format:

$loader = new Loader();
$spreadsheet = $loader->loadFromFile('filepath', 'xlsx'); // Treat as XLSX.

You can also check which formats are supported:

$factory = new Factory();
$supportedFormats = $factory->getSupportedFormats();
// ['csv', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'ods', 'xml', 'json', 'yaml', 'html', 'pdf']

Alternative Format Handlers

For some formats like CSV, Derafu Spreadsheet provides multiple handlers. For example:

  • CsvLeagueHandler - Uses League/CSV (recommended for most cases).
  • CsvPhpSpreadsheetHandler - Uses PhpSpreadsheet.

You can choose which handler to use by registering it for the format:

$factory = new Factory();
$factory->registerFormatHandler('csv', CsvPhpSpreadsheetHandler::class);

$loader = new Loader($factory);
// Now CSV files will use PhpSpreadsheet handler.

Format Handling and Type Casting

When loading a file, the process works like this:

  1. Format handler reads the raw data from the file.
  2. Data is converted to a SpreadsheetInterface object.
  3. Caster processes all values to convert them to the appropriate PHP types.

When saving a file:

  1. Caster converts PHP types to appropriate string representations.
  2. Format handler writes the data to the file in the correct format.