API Reference
Complete reference documentation for the Derafu Translation library.
Extends Symfony’s TranslatorInterface
and adds ICU support.
interface TranslatableInterface extends TranslatorInterface, Stringable
* Converts the message to a string using ICU formatting.
public function __toString(): string;
Defines how translation messages are loaded.
interface MessageProviderInterface
* Returns all messages for a given locale and domain.
* @param string $locale The locale to load messages for.
* @param string $domain The translation domain.
* @return array<string, string> Array of messages where key is the message id.
public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array;
* Returns all available locales for a given domain.
* @param string $domain The translation domain.
* @return array<string> List of available locales.
public function getAvailableLocales(string $domain = 'messages'): array;
Core message class that supports ICU formatting.
final class TranslatableMessage implements TranslatableInterface
* @param string $message The message used for translation.
* @param array<string, mixed> $parameters Parameters for translation.
* @param string|null $domain The translation domain.
* @param string $defaultLocale The locale for ICU formatting.
public function __construct(
string $message,
array $parameters = [],
?string $domain = null,
string $defaultLocale = 'en'
* @throws RuntimeException When ICU formatting fails.
public function __toString(): string;
public function trans(
TranslatorInterface $translator,
?string $locale = null
): string;
Main translator implementation, using Symfony’s TranslatorTrait
, with ICU and fallback support.
final class Translator implements TranslatorInterface
* @param MessageProviderInterface $provider Provider of messages.
* @param string|null $locale Default locale.
* @param array|null $fallbackLocales Fallback locales chain.
public function __construct(
MessageProviderInterface $provider,
?string $locale = null,
?array $fallbackLocales = null
* @throws IntlException When ICU formatting fails
public function trans(
?string $id,
array $parameters = [],
?string $domain = null,
?string $locale = null
): string;
Base exception class that supports translation.
abstract class TranslatableException extends Exception implements TranslatableInterface
* @param string|array|TranslatableInterface $message The exception message:
* - string: Used as both message and translation key.
* - array: First element is message, rest are parameters.
* - TranslatableInterface: Used directly.
* @param int $code The exception code.
* @param Throwable|null $previous Previous exception.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When message array is invalid.
public function __construct(
string|array|TranslatableInterface $message,
int $code = 0,
?Throwable $previous = null
public function trans(
TranslatorInterface $translator,
?string $locale = null
): string;
Message Providers
Base class for file-based message providers.
abstract class AbstractMessageProvider implements MessageProviderInterface
* @param string $directory Base directory for translation files.
* @throws RuntimeException If directory doesn't exist.
public function __construct(
protected readonly string $directory
* Returns the file extension without dot.
abstract protected function getFileExtension(): string;
* Parses a file into messages array.
* @throws RuntimeException If file can't be parsed.
abstract protected function parseFile(string $file): array;
Loads translations from PHP files.
final class PhpMessageProvider extends AbstractMessageProvider
* Expected file format:
* <?php
* return [
* 'key' => 'value',
* ];
* @throws RuntimeException If file doesn't return array.
protected function parseFile(string $file): array;
Loads translations from JSON files.
final class JsonMessageProvider extends AbstractMessageProvider
* Expected file format:
* {
* "key": "value"
* }
* @throws RuntimeException If JSON is invalid.
protected function parseFile(string $file): array;
Loads translations from YAML files (requires symfony/yaml).
final class YamlMessageProvider extends AbstractMessageProvider
* Expected file format:
* key: value
* @throws RuntimeException If YAML is invalid.
protected function parseFile(string $file): array;
Error Handling
All exceptions extend from base PHP exceptions.
Common exceptions:
: General runtime errors.TranslatableInvalidArgumentException
: Invalid input parameters.
Can’t extend Derafu Translation exceptions? Then use TranslatableExceptionTrait
in your exceptions to get the translation capabilities.