Working with Translatable Exceptions
This guide covers all aspects of working with exceptions in the Derafu Translation library.
Available Exceptions
The library provides translatable versions of all standard PHP exceptions:
Core Exceptions
: Base exception.TranslatableLogicException
: For logical errors.TranslatableRuntimeException
: For runtime errors.
Logic Exceptions
: Domain logic violations.TranslatableInvalidArgumentException
: Invalid input.TranslatableLengthException
: Invalid length.TranslatableOutOfRangeException
: Value out of valid set.
Runtime Exceptions
: Invalid index or key.TranslatableOverflowException
: Arithmetic overflow.TranslatableRangeException
: Value not within range.TranslatableUnderflowException
: Arithmetic underflow.TranslatableUnexpectedValueException
: Unexpected value type.
Using the Trait
If you want to add translation capabilities to your own exceptions, you can use the trait:
use Derafu\Translation\Contract\TranslatableInterface;
use Derafu\Translation\Exception\TranslatableExceptionTrait;
use DomainException;
class MyCustomException extends DomainException implements TranslatableInterface
use TranslatableExceptionTrait;
When to Use the Trait vs Extending Base Exceptions
Use the trait when:
- You already extend another exception.
- You need to customize the exception behavior.
- You want to add additional functionality.
Use the base exceptions when:
- You don’t need custom behavior.
- You want the simplest implementation.
- You’re creating domain-specific exceptions.
Example with trait:
class OrderException extends DomainException implements TranslatableInterface
use TranslatableExceptionTrait;
protected string $defaultDomain = 'orders';
public static function insufficientStock(Product $product): self
return new self([
'product' => $product->getName(),
Example with inheritance:
class ValidationException extends TranslatableDomainException
// Inherits all translation functionality.
When to Use Each Exception
Base exception, use when:
- General error conditions.
- No specific exception type fits.
- Creating custom exception hierarchies.
Real-world examples:
Generic API errors.
throw new TranslatableException([ 'api.error.generic', 'code' => $errorCode, ]);
System configuration errors.
throw new TranslatableException([ 'system.config.missing', 'key' => '', ]);
Third-party service errors.
throw new TranslatableException([ 'service.unavailable', 'service' => 'payment', 'reason' => $response->getError(), ]);
For programming errors that can be detected during development:
Invalid business rule implementation.
throw new TranslatableLogicException([ 'logic.invalid_workflow', 'state' => $currentState, 'action' => $attemptedAction, ]);
Configuration errors.
throw new TranslatableLogicException([ 'config.invalid_combination', 'option1' => $value1, 'option2' => $value2, ]);
Invalid method usage.
throw new TranslatableLogicException([ 'method.invalid_order', 'method' => 'process', 'required_before' => 'validate', ]);
For violations of domain rules:
Business rule violations.
throw new TranslatableDomainException([ 'order.invalid_status_transition', 'from' => $currentStatus, 'to' => $newStatus, ]);
Invalid entity state.
throw new TranslatableDomainException([ 'product.cannot_publish', 'reason' => 'missing_price', ]);
Business constraint violations.
throw new TranslatableDomainException([ 'account.overdraft_limit_exceeded', 'amount' => $amount, 'limit' => $overdraftLimit, ]);
For invalid input values:
Invalid parameter types.
throw new TranslatableInvalidArgumentException([ 'argument.invalid_type', 'argument' => 'date', 'expected' => 'DateTime', 'received' => get_debug_type($date), ]);
Invalid format.
throw new TranslatableInvalidArgumentException([ 'argument.invalid_format', 'field' => 'phone', 'format' => '+XX-XXX-XXXXXX', ]);
Invalid options.
throw new TranslatableInvalidArgumentException([ 'argument.invalid_option', 'option' => 'sort', 'valid' => implode(', ', $validOptions), ]);
For invalid lengths:
String length violations.
throw new TranslatableLengthException([ 'length.string_too_long', 'field' => 'title', 'max' => 255, 'current' => strlen($title), ]);
Collection size issues.
throw new TranslatableLengthException([ 'length.too_many_items', 'max' => 10, 'current' => count($items), ]);
Buffer size problems.
throw new TranslatableLengthException([ 'length.buffer_overflow', 'size' => $bufferSize, 'required' => $requiredSize, ]);
For values outside valid set:
Invalid enum values.
throw new TranslatableOutOfRangeException([ 'value.invalid_status', 'value' => $status, 'valid' => implode(', ', Status::cases()), ]);
Invalid date ranges.
throw new TranslatableOutOfRangeException([ 'date.out_of_range', 'date' => $date->format('Y-m-d'), 'min' => $minDate->format('Y-m-d'), 'max' => $maxDate->format('Y-m-d'), ]);
Invalid numerical ranges.
throw new TranslatableOutOfRangeException([ 'value.out_of_range', 'value' => $percentage, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, ]);
For invalid array/collection access:
Invalid array index.
throw new TranslatableOutOfBoundsException([ 'index.invalid', 'index' => $index, 'max' => count($array) - 1, ]);
Invalid page number.
throw new TranslatableOutOfBoundsException([ 'page.invalid', 'page' => $page, 'total' => $totalPages, ]);
Invalid collection access.
throw new TranslatableOutOfBoundsException([ 'record.not_found', 'id' => $id, 'type' => 'user', ]);
For values technically valid but not allowed:
Value scale errors.
throw new TranslatableRangeException([ 'number.too_many_decimals', 'value' => $number, 'max_decimals' => 2, ]);
Business range violations.
throw new TranslatableRangeException([ 'discount.exceeds_limit', 'discount' => $discount, 'max_allowed' => $maxDiscount, ]);
Technical limitations.
throw new TranslatableRangeException([ 'file.too_large', 'size' => $fileSize, 'max' => $maxUploadSize, ]);
For values of unexpected type:
Invalid return values.
throw new TranslatableUnexpectedValueException([ 'api.unexpected_response', 'expected' => 'array', 'received' => gettype($response), ]);
Invalid data format.
throw new TranslatableUnexpectedValueException([ 'data.invalid_format', 'expected' => 'JSON', 'received' => $detectedFormat, ]);
Invalid state values.
throw new TranslatableUnexpectedValueException([ 'state.unexpected', 'state' => $currentState, 'expected' => implode(', ', $validStates), ]);
Best Practices
Choose Specific Exceptions
- Use the most specific exception type available.
- Consider the error’s nature (logic vs runtime).
- Think about error recovery possibilities.
Consistent Domain Language
- Use consistent translation keys.
- Group related messages.
- Use clear, descriptive keys.
Provide Context
- Include relevant parameters.
- Add debugging information.
- Consider logging needs.
Exception Hierarchy
- Create domain-specific exceptions.
- Extend appropriate base classes.
- Use meaningful inheritance chains.
Translation Keys
- Use consistent naming patterns.
- Group by domain/module.
- Include error type in key.
Example hierarchy
// Base exception for your domain.
abstract class OrderException extends TranslatableDomainException
protected string $defaultDomain = 'orders';
// Specific exceptions.
class OrderNotFoundException extends OrderException {}
class OrderValidationException extends OrderException {}
class OrderStateException extends OrderException {}