Creating Custom Message Providers
This guide explains how to create custom message providers for different translation storage formats and sources.
Provider Interface
All message providers must implement the MessageProviderInterface
interface MessageProviderInterface
* Returns all messages for a given locale and domain.
* @param string $locale The locale to load messages for.
* @param string $domain The translation domain.
* @return array<string, string> Array of messages where key is the message id.
public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array;
* Returns all available locales for a given domain.
* @param string $domain The translation domain.
* @return array<string> List of available locales.
public function getAvailableLocales(string $domain = 'messages'): array;
Basic Implementation
Here’s a simple example of a custom provider that loads messages from a database:
use Derafu\Translation\Contract\MessageProviderInterface;
use PDO;
final class DatabaseMessageProvider implements MessageProviderInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly PDO $db,
private readonly string $table = 'translations'
) {
public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array
$stmt = $this->db->prepare(
"SELECT message_key, message_text
FROM {$this->table}
WHERE locale = ? AND domain = ?"
$stmt->execute([$locale, $domain]);
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
public function getAvailableLocales(string $domain = 'messages'): array
$stmt = $this->db->prepare(
FROM {$this->table}
WHERE domain = ?"
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
Using the Abstract Provider
For file-based providers, you can extend the AbstractMessageProvider
use Derafu\Translation\Abstract\AbstractMessageProvider;
final class IniMessageProvider extends AbstractMessageProvider
protected function getFileExtension(): string
return 'ini';
protected function parseFile(string $file): array
$messages = parse_ini_file($file, false);
if ($messages === false) {
throw new RuntimeException(
sprintf('Could not parse INI file "%s".', $file)
return $messages;
The abstract provider handles:
- Directory structure validation.
- File path generation.
- Available locales discovery.
You only need to implement:
: Returns the file extension.parseFile()
: Parses the file content into messages array.
Other Examples
Redis Provider
use Redis;
use Derafu\Translation\Contract\MessageProviderInterface;
final class RedisMessageProvider implements MessageProviderInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly Redis $redis,
private readonly string $prefix = 'translations:'
) {
public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array
$key = "{$this->prefix}{$domain}:{$locale}";
$messages = $this->redis->hGetAll($key);
return $messages ?: [];
public function getAvailableLocales(string $domain = 'messages'): array
$pattern = "{$this->prefix}{$domain}:*";
$keys = $this->redis->keys($pattern);
return array_map(
fn($key) => substr($key, strrpos($key, ':') + 1),
API Provider
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Derafu\Translation\Contract\MessageProviderInterface;
final class ApiMessageProvider implements MessageProviderInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly Client $client,
private readonly string $baseUrl
) {
public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array
$response = $this->client->get(
return json_decode(
public function getAvailableLocales(string $domain = 'messages'): array
$response = $this->client->get(
return json_decode(
Best Practices
Error Handling
protected function parseFile(string $file): array { try { // Parse file. } catch (Exception $e) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('Error parsing file "%s": %s', $file, $e->getMessage()) ); } }
Caching Support
final class CachedProvider implements MessageProviderInterface { public function __construct( private readonly MessageProviderInterface $provider, private readonly CacheInterface $cache, private readonly int $ttl = 3600 ) { } public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array { $key = "translations:{$domain}:{$locale}"; return $this->cache->remember($key, $this->ttl, function() use ($locale, $domain) { return $this->provider->getMessages($locale, $domain); }); } }
private function validateMessages(array $messages): void { foreach ($messages as $key => $value) { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new RuntimeException('Message keys must be strings.'); } if (!is_string($value)) { throw new RuntimeException('Message values must be strings.'); } } }
Logging and Debugging
public function getMessages(string $locale, string $domain = 'messages'): array { $messages = $this->loadMessages($locale, $domain); if (empty($messages)) { $this->logger->warning( 'No messages found for locale {locale} and domain {domain}.', ['locale' => $locale, 'domain' => $domain] ); } return $messages; }
- Always validate input and output.
- Handle errors gracefully.
- Consider implementing caching for performance.
- Add logging for debugging.
- Keep providers focused and single-purpose.
- Use dependency injection for external services.