Testing Guide

This guide covers how to test applications using the Derafu Translation library, focusing on testing translatable exceptions and message handling.

Testing Exceptions

Basic Exception Testing

use Derafu\Translation\TranslatableMessage;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class ValidationExceptionTest extends TestCase
    public function testBasicException(): void
        $exception = new ValidationException('Email is invalid.');

        // Without translation, should use original message.
        $this->assertEquals('Email is invalid.', $exception->getMessage());

    public function testExceptionWithParameters(): void
        $exception = new ValidationException([
            'email' => 'test@example',

        // Test ICU formatting without translator.
            'Invalid email: test@example',

    public function testWithTranslatableMessage(): void
        $message = new TranslatableMessage(
            ['field' => 'email'],

        $exception = new ValidationException($message);

Using Mock Translator

class OrderExceptionTest extends TestCase
    private MockObject&TranslatorInterface $translator;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->translator = $this->createMock(TranslatorInterface::class);

    public function testOrderValidation(): void
                ['status' => 'pending'],
            ->willReturn('Invalid order status: pending');

        $exception = new OrderException([
            'status' => 'pending'

            'Invalid order status: pending',
            $exception->trans($this->translator, 'en')

Testing Translations

Testing Message Files

class TranslationFilesTest extends TestCase
    private string $fixturesDir;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->fixturesDir = __DIR__ . '/../fixtures/translations';

    public function testMessageFiles(string $file): void

        // Test file format.
        $messages = require $file;

        // Test message format.
        foreach ($messages as $key => $value) {

            // Test ICU format.
            $formatter = new MessageFormatter('en', $value);
                "Invalid ICU format in message: $value"

    public function provideMessageFiles(): array
        return [
            'en messages' => [$this->fixturesDir . '/messages/en.php'],
            'es messages' => [$this->fixturesDir . '/messages/es.php'],
            'en errors' => [$this->fixturesDir . '/errors/en.php'],
            'es errors' => [$this->fixturesDir . '/errors/es.php'],

Testing Translation Consistency

class TranslationConsistencyTest extends TestCase
    private array $locales = ['en', 'es'];

    private array $domains = ['messages', 'errors'];

    private MessageProviderInterface $provider;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->provider = new PhpMessageProvider(
            __DIR__ . '/../fixtures/translations'

    public function testAllLocalesHaveSameKeys(): void
        foreach ($this->domains as $domain) {
            $baseMessages = $this->provider->getMessages('en', $domain);
            $baseKeys = array_keys($baseMessages);

            foreach ($this->locales as $locale) {
                if ($locale === 'en') {

                $messages = $this->provider->getMessages($locale, $domain);
                $keys = array_keys($messages);

                    "Missing translations in $locale for domain $domain"

    public function testIcuParametersConsistency(): void
        foreach ($this->domains as $domain) {
            $baseMessages = $this->provider->getMessages('en', $domain);

            foreach ($this->locales as $locale) {
                if ($locale === 'en') {

                $messages = $this->provider->getMessages($locale, $domain);

                foreach ($baseMessages as $key => $baseMessage) {
                    $message = $messages[$key];

                    // Extract parameters from ICU messages.
                    preg_match_all('/{(\w+)}/', $baseMessage, $baseParams);
                    preg_match_all('/{(\w+)}/', $message, $params);

                        "Parameters mismatch in key '$key' for locale $locale"

Testing Custom Providers

class CustomProviderTest extends TestCase
    public function testProvider(): void
        $provider = new CustomProvider();

        // Test basic functionality.
        $messages = $provider->getMessages('en');

        // Test locales.
        $locales = $provider->getAvailableLocales();

        // Test domains.
        $errors = $provider->getMessages('en', 'errors');

    public function testErrorHandling(): void
        $provider = new CustomProvider();


Test Helpers

trait TranslationTestTrait
    private function createTestTranslator(): TranslatorInterface
        return new class implements TranslatorInterface {
            public function trans(
                ?string $id,
                array $parameters = [],
                string $domain = null,
                string $locale = null
            ): string {
                return strtr($id, $parameters);

            public function getLocale(): string
                return 'en';

    private function assertTranslationEquals(
        string $expected,
        TranslatableException $exception,
        string $message = ''
    ): void {
        $translator = $this->createTestTranslator();

Common Patterns

  1. Test Exception Factory Methods

    public function testExceptionFactory(): void
        $exception = ValidationExceptionFactory::required('email');
        $this->assertInstanceOf(ValidationException::class, $exception);
            'The field email is required.',
  2. Test Translation Fallbacks

    public function testFallbackTranslation(): void
        $translator = new Translator(
            ['es', 'en']
        $exception = new ValidationException('test.message');
        // Should fallback to English.
            'Test message',
  3. Test ICU Edge Cases

    public function testComplexIcuPattern(): void
        $exception = new ValidationException(
            '{count, plural, =0{Empty} one{# item} other{# items}}',
            ['count' => 0]
        $this->assertEquals('Empty', $exception->getMessage());


  • Always test both translated and untranslated scenarios.
  • Test parameter substitution.
  • Verify ICU message formatting.
  • Check translation consistency across locales.
  • Test error handling.
  • Use data providers for multiple test cases.